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What I learned about stress and overthinking


Mental health is an important topic of discussion these days. Students and professionals alike are becoming more anxious and stressed with simple day-to-day activities that did not use to be areas of concern. It begs the question, "why is everyone so stressed?". Our minds continue to wander and actively try to answer all our curiosity, but what makes it more interesting is how our minds keep taking in an overload of information. We never seem to stop thinking. We can't stop, we won't stop.


Don't sweat the small stuff


"Slow down, calm yourself and breathe". We live in a fast-paced society and sometimes it can be a challenge to realize how many tasks we have actually done. It never seems to be productive enough, and even small projects seem like they can always be done better. This mindset keeps us thriving in a competitive environment, but it can also build unnecessary tension within ourselves even with the small things. Nobody is perfect, therefore, don't beat yourself up too much if you forgot to do laundry, or if you accidentally spill drinks on your table.


One step ahead


"If you can't beat them, join them", or even better, stay ahead of it. If you do find yourself constantly in thought about everything in life you can possibly think about, listen intently. Don't let the crowded thoughts consume you, but better yet, try to consume them in a healthy way. Make a journal, or even a blog. Make a twitter account and share your thoughts. There are plenty of ways that you can allow yourself to think and express yourself guilt-free. You don't need to think that 'thinking too much' is something negative.


Mess means more stress


To declutter your mind, you must first declutter your surroundings. Maybe you're the type of person that knows where everything is in the midst of the mess, but it can always be a good idea to build structure externally (within your own space and workplace), and internally (with a peace of mind and healthy mentality). 

by Lei Angelou Tria


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