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Best 5 ways to learn a new skill quickly - foolproof!

We've all heard it before, skills are important - be it professional, or personal. New skills can help you earn more, gain that promotion you've been eyeing, or they can just be a wonderful creative outlet if your new skill of choice is music, painting, or gardening. 


As you get older, every choice you make will determine who you will become as a person. Bad choices will pile up and lead to a break point. It's better to be conscious of your habits, and start building sustainable and healthy ones for the long term. It might take more effort to start off with, but remember, the rewards are way bigger and definitely worth the try.


However, picking up a new skill is nowhere near easy. Yes, the first few days, or hours can be exciting when things are easy and new. But what after that? When the difficulty level increases, you're on your own, there's no one to ask for advice?

Well, read on to know the best 5 strategies to pick up your skills. Foolproof, we promise!

1. Set your learning goals

Direction, direction, direction. Goals are important because they show you a vision - you know what you're working hard for. Without goals, you'll probably wake up feeling lost and demotivated. 

Remember, goals need to be achievable. Break them down, if you will. Ask yourself, what are the steps that will lead you to your ultimate destination? For example, if you want to start running, your first week's goal can be as simple as walk for 15 minutes everyday. Then increase the goal to walk for 30 minutes, then slow-jog for 15 minutes and so on.

2. Predict barriers/challenges

Nothing comes easy. There will always be challenges along your way when you try to learn new things. Be practical about it - accept that problems will arise, so you won't be totally demoralized when it happens. 

List down barriers that you might come across, be it time, finances or commute. The more specific you are, the better.

Then list down the gains you will get after overcoming your challenge. You might get fitter, which makes it easier for you to wear more diverse styled outfits. Or you might significantly boost your chances of getting a promotion.

3. Follow the "80/20" rules

This rule states that basically, 20% of your learning will lead to 80% of your outcome. Knowing this will help you focus on the right area, which will help you save time and feel more confident. Practice makes perfect, and the right practice will make it faster.

If you're wondering what an 80/20 rule is, find out here.

4. Say yes to opportunities

When you're practicing a new skill, chances are you might come across events, jobs or just any opportunities to put it to use. Yes, it can be intimidating at first, thinking that you're still a newbie and you're not good enough. But push through. Seize the chance. Putting yourself out there and doing the realistic work will make your practice 10 times more efficient. 

5. Mistakes are learning

We've all been there. You feel stupid, disappointed, frustrated. You start wondering is this the right thing to do? 
The answer is yes. Do whatever you need to keep up the consistency and get over this "doubting" phase. Your lack of expertise as a beginner, and the pressure you put on yourself to excel are actually backfiring. Release the stress, take it slow, and accept mistakes. They are the springboard to your successful learning later.


Yep, that's it! Those are the best 5 tips, trialed and errorred over time before being brought to you by AMA
Don't forget, if it is too hard to do it alone, you can always seek company. Find a companion, community, or a mentor through us. You will never be alone.

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